Licensing and Regulation of Bitcoin Casinos

For starters, crypto casinos are those that use crypto currency as a mode of payment – either partly or wholly. Now, the big question is, where are these casinos licensed or who gives these casinos the green light to go ahead with offering Bitcoin services? Before proceeding, it’s worth mentioning that the industry requires a […]

Offering Bitcoin and Altcoin as Payment Method

In case you are wondering, online casinos are the type of casinos that enable gamblers to play through the internet. Cryptocurrency, on the other hand, is a form of digital currency usually used via the internet and has got monetary value. Bitcoin is a very good example. The debate over whether to introduce cryptocurrency in […]

How to Make a Deposit Using Bitcoin

Bitcoin is a well-known digital currency that can be used for payment making and cashing out at online Casinos. It’s a banking option available to all players worldwide provided you own a Bitcoin wallet which is compulsory for you to store, send and receive coins. As a digital currency, the use of Bitcoin at gaming […]

How to Get Bitcoins and Store Them

Bitcoins being the world’s most popular digital currency, there have been lots of questions about it. One of the most popular questions is “How do I get Bitcoins?” Well, here is a comprehensive guide on how to get Bitcoins and store them. Tips on How to Get Bitcoins Now that you know the basics about […]

BlockChain Casinos-Everything Transparent?

Due to the significant rise of the cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin, attention has turned to its underlying technology; the blockchain, and it’s expected to have a great effect on the industry. This comes as a result of increased gambling globally which has moved from the lowly `brick and mortar’ casino onto the internet. This has […]